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Child Control 2011
برنامج Child Control برنامج يقوم بتحكم و حماية الحاسوب حيث بامكانك وضع وقت محدد لكمبيوتر او اغلاق الانترنت وايضاً فلترة المحتوايات انترنت الغير مرغوب بها وايضاً يسمح برنامج بوضع حد للدخول لكلا مكونات ويندوز و مجلدات الشخصية و يحتوي برنامج على برتوكول الذي يبلغك لحظة بلحظة حول ما يحدث في جهاز كمبيوتر.
Child Control keeps track of the time your kids spend in front of the computer. Once their time is up, the computer automatically shuts down and won’t start up again—something any kid can understand. Our experience has shown that Child Control verdict is accepted without arguments—there is no debate and no discussion. Another way of looking at it: “Child Control gives your kids back time that they are then free to spend in other ways.”
Child Control lets you activate filters to block all websites oriented toward violence or sex. You can also filter out specific words that may appear on various websites. Alternatively, you can limit access to only the websites that you specify. In that case, your kids will only be able to access these sites, and all others will be off-limits. In the current version, parents can also limit their kids’ stay on certain sites to a specified time, so that eventually they will have to put their online games away and get back to their homework.

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